
The retain operation stores a TrustedForm certificate in your account per your account retention setting (defaults to 5 years). This should be performed for all certificates associated with leads you intend to contact so that you have proof of the events that took place.

Important: When retaining a certificate, you must also execute the match_lead operation. This ensures that the lead with which you received the certificate matches the lead data collected on the cert.

Requires a Self-Service plan or higher.


Though both `retain` parameters are optional, we strongly recommend
using them. Doing so will record additional

metadata on your stored certificate which is often of use down the road.

Any text that may help you identify the lead associated with the certificate such as a unique lead identifier or URL pointing to the lead in another system. This value will be displayed in your copy of the certificate for your future reference


When retaining a certificate, you can optionally pass the vendor name. This is intended for tracking the name of the company that provided the lead associated with the certificate. TrustedForm will record this value on the certificate stored in your account. Other accounts cannot see this value. When you use TrustedForm reporting, you can easily filter or group by vendor.

  • "reference": "1128238382829",
  • "vendor": "Acme Co."


    Any text that may help you identify the lead associated with the
    certificate such as a unique lead

    identifier or URL pointing to the lead in another system. This value
    will be displayed in your copy of

    the certificate for your future reference.
When retaining a certificate, you can optionally pass the vendor
name. This is intended for tracking the name
of the company that provided the lead associated with the
certificate. TrustedForm will record this value on the

certificate stored in your account. Other accounts cannot see this
value. When you use TrustedForm reporting,

you can easily filter or group by vendor.
  • "reference": "1128238382829",
  • "result": {
    • "expires_at": "2023-07-18T12:03:52Z",
    • "masked_cert_url": "string",
    • "previously_retained": "false"
  • "vendor": "Acme Co."