
The insights operation retrieves metadata about the lead event that generated a TrustedForm certificate. The properties included in the response can be used to filter and/or route your leads to optimize your business strategies. More information is available in our knowledge base.

Important: Requires a Professional plan or higher. The effective unit cost for an insights call depends on the Insights data points retrieved.


Request individual Insights data points (`properties`) to be returned
and terms for which to scan for in a

certificate session replay.
Array of strings
    A list of the Insights data points you would like to be returned in
    the response. Some `properties` are not

    compatible with all certificate types and will return a null value.
    Only contracted `properties` are

    available to query. Your account will only be charged for properties
    that are returned. See

    [Insights Result](/#schema/InsightsResult) for `form_input_method`
Items Enum: Description

The number of seconds elapsed since the last recorded session replay event


The consumer's approximate geographical location based on ip


A determination of whether the events documented were likely produced by a non-human entity based on ActiveProspect’s proprietary algorithms. This data point is currently undergoing alpha testing. It may contain flaws and may be discontinued.


The domain shown to the consumer during the lead event


Methods used by the consumer to fill web form fields


The consumer's public IP address


The time in seconds between when TrustedForm Certify was loaded and when the most recent cert event was received.


An object containing the terms to use to perform a page scan which checks for their presence in the content captured by the certificate.

  • "properties": [
    • "approx_ip_geo",
    • "domain",
    • "form_input_method",
    • "ip",
    • "seconds_on_page"
  • "scans": {
    • "forbidden": [
      • "free",
      • "ipad"
    • "required": [
      • "home security system"


One of:

The data points requested, if available.

object (ScansResult)

An object containing the properties that are part of the page scan process.

  • "properties": {
    • "approx_ip_geo": {
      • "city": "Austin",
      • "country_code": "US",
      • "lat": 39.8858,
      • "lon": -75.3654,
      • "postal_code": "78704",
      • "state": "TX",
      • "time_zone": "America/Chicago"
    • "bot_detected": false,
    • "domain": "",
    • "form_input_method": [
      • "typing",
      • "autofill"
    • "ip": "",
    • "seconds_on_page": 142
  • "scans": {
    • "forbidden": [
      • "free",
      • "ipad"
    • "required": [
      • "home security system"
    • "result": {
      • "forbidden": {
        • "found": [ ],
        • "not_found": [
          • "ipad",
          • "free"
      • "required": {
        • "found": [
          • "home security system"
        • "not_found": [ ]
      • "success": true